Posted Results for Weekly Tournament 2/28/12

The La Mirada Disc Golf Club held their first weekly disc golf tournament for 2012 on Tuesday, February 28th at 4pm.

We had a small turnout, but everyone that showed up had fun. We had one (1) Open player (Steve Tolo), Two (2) Advanced Players, Mike Sheridan and Kyle Maddox. We had four (4) Intermediate players, Nicholas Bermudez, Josef McConnell, Patrick McConnell and Kendall Cordova. We had five (5) Novice players, Nicko Lacastro, Nick Mata, Isaac Mata, Ryan Crane and Kyle Cook. Thanks to all for showing up for the 1st weekly of the year.

I want to thank our new Pro Shop Sponsor, Patrick McConnell. He donated four (4) discount coupons to the new and improved La Mirada Tennis and Disc Golf Pro Shop. Thanks Patrick! Patrick will be donating discount coupons for all of the weekly and monthly tournaments. So please do drop by the Pro Shop and give them your thanks for helping to sponsor the tournaments. Also, the prices for the disc golf merchandise have been reduced considerable from the previous prices. So take a look this week.

In the Open division Steve Tolo took 1st place, beating himself.

In the Advanced division it was Mike Sheridan with a score of 54 (even) for $19 and a 10% discount coupon to the Pro Shop.

In the Intermediate division it was Nicholas Bermudez with a score of 51 (-3) for $19 and a 10% discount coupon to the Pro Shop.

In the Novice division it was Isaac Mata who took 1st place for a 10% Discount coupon to the Pro Shop.

No one hit the ACE pool so it will carry to the next weekly which is Tuesday, March 6th at 4pm sharp!

As usual you can see the results for all players on the results page (click here)